I don’t make promises I can’t fulfill, so when I say I’ll be there somehow, someway I will

Monday, September 11, 2006

Right ON TOP!!

------------are like apples---------------------
----on trees. The best ones-----------------------
---are at the top of the tree.---------------------
--The boys dont want to reach-------------------
--for the good ones because they ------------
are afraid of falling and getting hurt.------------
-Instead, they just get the rotten apples--------
--from the ground that aren't as good,---------
--but easy. So the apples at the top think--------
----something is wrong with them, when in-------
-----reality, they're amazing. They just--------------
------have to wait for the right boy to-----------
------ come along, the one who's,------------
----------- brave enough to--------------------
---------------- climb all------------------------
---------------- the way-------------------
-----------------to the top-------------------
---------------- of the tree.--------------------

hehehe . . . its sooo true!!!!

I know I have been a "naught GIRL" for not updating and promising to and not doing so wala its been very hectic for me back to work and I got sooooo Much things to tell YOU!!! A.K.A Drama hehehe I still got to Run BUT INSHALLAH this weeek I well post a normal post!!!!

Bye for NOW!!!
C-Ya-Later allagitar ;)

:: posted by Wilted_Roze, 9/11/2006 01:46:00 AM


goodluck at work, and this tree thing is so cute and i liked it alot hehehe
Blogger Shwaish, at 5:03 AM  
So true hehehe But i dont care if i got hurt :P welcome back
Blogger cozy, at 11:05 PM  
princess-- Thanxx I need alll the Luck those kids are driving me

Cozy-- YOU do that !!! Right On
(pads him on the shlouder) thanxx bss I willl update on the weekend inshallah!!
Blogger Wilted_Roze, at 11:55 PM  
the apples post hehehe
Blogger Fuzzy, at 3:37 PM  

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