I don’t make promises I can’t fulfill, so when I say I’ll be there somehow, someway I will
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Beautiful Countries
These are the names of the some romantic countries in the world.
H.O.L.L.A.N.D Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies.
I.T.A.L.Y. I Trust And Love You.
L.I.B.Y.A. Love Is Beautiful; You Also.
F.R.A.N.C.E. Friendships Remain And Never Can End.
C.H.I.N.A. Come Here... I Need Affection.
B.U.R.M.A. Between Us, Remember Me Always.
N.E.P.A.L. Never Ever Part As Lovers.
I.N.D.I.A. I Nearly Died In Adoration.
K.E.N.Y.A Keep Everything Nice, Yet Arousing.
C.A.N.A.D.A. Cute And Naughty Action that developed into
attraction *woooot wooot*
K.O.R.E.A. Keep Optimistic Regardless of Every adversity.
E.G.Y.P.T. Everything's Great, You Pretty Thing!
M.A.N.I.L.A. May All Nights Inspire Love Always.
P.E.R.U. Phorget (Forget) Everyone... Remember Us.
T.H.A.I.L.A.N.D. Totally Happy. Always In Love And Never Dull.
what would u say for " KUWAIT"
the pic above is Sre Lanka *beautiful*
Kill us without any (i) tears
Couldn't find any romantic word for the letter i :P
Kiss U With Absoloute Intimate .. Tendency
te3alam ya zizoo ya moo kbeer;p
p.s I wish its been this way in Kuwait :)
both of you, why its gay shakoo @@ kelman yara elnass b3ain 6ab3a agool ;P~~
I cant think of anything romantic!! How ironic I cant say anything romantic about KUWAIT.. ;)
اتمني ان ندون مدونه واحد بتاريخ 27/07/2006
كلنا كمدونين نكرر عباره واحده
كلنا مع لبنان وفلسطين ضد اسرائيل والمحتلين
بالعربي بالانجليزي المهم نسمع صوتنا للعالم
وان لم نستطيع حمل السلاح فالنحمل الكلمه
وبأي لغة نستطيع نشرها
We are with Lebanon and Palestine against Israel and occupiers
Nous sommes avec tous le Liban et la Palestine contre l’Israel et les occupants
Wir sind zusammen mit dem Libanon und Palästina gegen Israel und Besatzer
Somos todos con Líbano y Palestina contra Israel e inquilinos
تحياتي للجميع
goooooooooooooood JOB !!! very nice